Thursday, October 23, 2008

(Why so) Seriously...

I know this won't find you in time.

Your mind is already made up.

But I just have to say it:

Don't be the Joker for Halloween.

I know, I know, Dark Knight was really sweet. And yes, Heath Ledger did reach new levels of badass-ery with his portrayal of the Joker. Everyone knows this and everyone agrees with you.

And therin lies the rub: Everybody is going to be the Joker.

This isn't the first time it's happened either. A blockbuster comic book adaptation where one of the young stars passed before his time and inspired a veritable bonanza of Halloween goers?


But Chris, you say, I'm going to be different! My costume is going to epic! I'm going as the Joker in the Nurse costume!

Nope. Not gonna do it. Sorry bro, you and every frat guy ever have already had the same thought.

Alright, so hopefully you're starting to see things in perspective. So what should you dress up as? I dunno but here's my picks for the 3 costumes you can pull out that will keep you ahead of the curve:

Two Face

Amidst the sea of Jokers you'll be the one Batman villain to stand out. Don't go all Batman Forever though, the Tommy Lee Jones route was too over the top.


Beat everyone to the punch at what will be one of the biggest costumes of next Halloween. Watchmen is shaping up to be the next big comic movie release and Rorschach will be the breakaway character. Yeah, I'm calling it.


The release of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine is still almost a year away, but after years of beggin X-Men fans will finally get a chance to see Gambit in action. So why not bust out this fan favorite before he gets his chance to shine? Besides I've never seen an awesome Gambit costume.

Honorable Mention:

Hong Kong Phooey

No he doesn't have a movie coming out and nobody has cared about this character in decades, but seriously? Why not?

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