Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The List - 10/29

Every Monday, Diamond Comics Distibutors releases their list of the upcoming new titles and merchandise for that week.

This is my pull list...

Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1 - $3.99 - I don't know how to classify this one. It's a spin-off from DC's Final Crisis miniseries event, but it's also a continuation of the last Green Lantern story arc "Secret Origin", but at the same time a thematic sequel to the Green Lantern event of the past year "The Sinestro Corps War" while serving as a precursor to the NEXT Green Lantern Event "Blackest Night" in 2009. Suffice to say, it's a Green Lantern book written by Geoff Johns which makes it a must buy title.

Justice League Of America #26 - $2.99 -
Helmed by Dwayne Mcduffie, one of the masterminds behind the fanboyish-glee inducing Justice League Unlimited cartoon, JLA has had it's highs and lows. While the formula works characterwise (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman all appear in the book but most of the exploits focus on fan favorites like Vixen, Firestorm and Red Tornado), the story seems to slouch along in spots. Still, it's always an entertaining read that gives some of the DCU B-Listers a chance to shine.

Teen Titans #64 - $2.99 - When Teen Titans is fun, it really shines. And while it's constantly one of my favorites, the book seems to be struggling under it's own weight for the past couple arcs. Sean McKeever has been one of the go-to writers for young superheroes for the past couple years now, but his writing as of late has really taken a turn towards the dark side. Here's hoping things can lighten up soon.

Trinity #22 - $2.99 - While not as strong as DC's first foray into weekly comics 52, Trinity proves to be a much stronger offering than last years Countdown. DC has found a winning, and downright scarily fast, team in Kurt Busiek and Mark Buckingham. It looks like DC has realized what they need to do to get their weekly comics back on track.

Spike: After The Fall #4 - $3.99 - I can't say I'm sorry to see this go. This miniseries spin-off of IDW's Angel: After The Fall series has really left me wanting. With the main series, writer Brian Lynch has come close to capturing the spirit of the Angel television show, some issues more than others. When I heard about this spin-off mini starring the (now only) vampire with a sould I was pretty jazzed, but now I'm kind of glad I'll be saving this $4 a month.

Total - $16.95 - Not too bad of a week, with a couple solid titles in Rage of the Red Lanterns and JLA.

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