Thursday, October 9, 2008

You're being lied to...

As human beings we like to give things names.

Some people believe that to give something a name is to give it power. Personally I think it's how we take power for ourselves. It puts you at a point of authority, and whether it's a cherished pet, a car or even a college dining hall it's nice to leave some sort of mark on something.

But what's in a name? and more importantly; What does this have to do with comics?

Walk into any bookstore and look for the Comic Books section. I'll wait here....

Any luck? Well if you asked an associate for help you were probably directed towards the "Graphic Novel" section. The graphic novel (or as it's commonly called the "trade paperback") is a bound collection of previously published comic book stories, usually the length of one story arc.

Nope, no comic books here

As I mentioned in my last blog "graphic novel" is a term I hate. I find it demeaning to the art form. Why not refer to them as they are? Comic books. There is the argument that the term "comic book" refers to the actual format which comes out in issues that are periodical in nature, but do these collections need a term so proper and well, more marketable?

I'm reminded of something that Robin Williams said in an interview:

"It's interesting now that they're doing, they all kind of realize, with all the adult comic books or graphic novels for those who are trying to upscale themselves... Is that a comic book? No! It's a graphic novel! Is that porn? No! It's adult entertainment!"

The only picture of Robin Williams I could find

Sure, comics have grown up and have taken huge strides towards becoming a more mature medium, that's awesome and I love it, but do we really need to try to dress it up and give it a fancy name?

"Honey, what are you reading?"
"Oh, just this new comic book"
"I hate you. I slept with your brother"

Can't we be accepted as we are or do we really have to throw on our dad's pants to be accepted by the masses?

"Honey, what are you reading?"
"Oh, just this new GRAPHIC NOVEL"
"You're such an intellectual! Take me home to our 8x8 apartment and ravish me!"

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