Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Flash in the pan?

Today on MTV's comic book website the "
Splash Page" (note the article is missing now), writer Grant Morrison may have slipped up and by saying he could say nothing actually in turn said a whole lot.

Since Morrison's currently involved in a few film properties, and the Scottish-born writer just brought the long dead Flash, Barry Allen back to life the interview turned towards his thoughts on the long drawn out process of bringing the Flash movie to life:

“Yeah, that’s the kind of thing I can’t talk about,” Morrison said. “Yes, I have talked to them. I’m deeply involved in those discussions. I know what’s going down with all of that, and it’s actually really exciting. But beyond that, I can’t say anything. I wish I could tell you. I’m sure announcements will probably be made at some point, but I can’t say anything.”

So by saying he's deeply involved in discussions, knows whats going on with the property, and that there will be announcements made at some point, isn't he just kind of letting the cat out of the bag?

A Flash movie by David S. Goyer (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Blade, Blade II, Blade: Trinity) and supposedly/hopefully starring Ryan Reynolds has long been in the dreaded purgatory that is "pre-production", but if a big name creator like Grant Morrison is involved that means things may be progressing.

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