Monday, August 3, 2009

An Extraordinary Gentleman Who’s Out Of Your League

When I was a young boy reading/ looking at the pictures in comics I wanted to be Stan Lee. He was the coolest! He created more than half the Marvel Comics Universe, Stan the man is what every cape loving adolescent boy looks up to, and I did. As I got older I fell out of love with comics, the 90’s were a hard for comics. It wasn’t till 2002 when the movie Spider-man came out that the creator of this blog Chris and I started talking about how much we use to love comic books and were thinking about getting back into them. The weekend that Spider-man came out we went to see it twice and on our way home fomt he movie we stopped at our now favorite place Don’s Atomic Comics (in Depew NY). Don welcomed us in and within 1 minute of being there we knew this was our kind of place and that we were to become comic book nerds. Don helped us get back into comics and for that I thank him but what makes Don a great man is that he is the one who put Watchmen in my hands. “YOU HAVE TO READ THIS” and read it I did. Now I love super hero comic don’t get me wrong but Watchmen turn me on to a whole new side of comics. And I am now a big a indie comic fan because of it. if you were to ask me who my favorite writers are they would all be indie writers, and if you ask me who is my fav. writer is well that’s easy it’s the man who wrote Watchman. Alan Moore. Alan Moore is the most prolific writer in comic history ( sorry Stan Lee) he has revolutionized the industry every time he puts pen to paper. And that’s why when someone asks if they can borrow a comic book if they want something new and different, I go to my Alan Moore Library and pull out one of my favs of his The League of Extraordinary Gentleman. I have collect all four volumes of the League and it always become top priority when I hear a new one is coming out. It’s probably not his best work but it’s the best to show people that there is another side of comics that doesn’t involve spandex. So I am sorry Stan Lee I don’t want to be you anymore I want to grow a set and be Mr. Alan Moore.

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