Tuesday, August 18, 2009


When we (Chris, Paul, and I) decided on our main topic for the Podcast to be nostalgia TV, there was only one show I could pick. G.I.Joe. Of all the things I’ve loved growing up, I loved G.I.Joe the most! I spent almost 10 years of my life buying the toys and watching the TV series. And I had, no, I have a ton of their toys. The show ran for two seasons 1985-86 and had 3 miniseries. Now I don’t think I watched the original series but I saw the shit out of it in rerun. Half my childhood was devoted to sitting down and watching G.I.Joe, and when the show wasn’t on I was playing with the toys. Now the series ended when I was 4, they stopped making the toys when I was 12, and here is another fun fact for you- I played with my G.I.Joes till I was in Middle School. (Well maybe High School)(shame washes over me). I most likely had not seen a episode of G.I.Joes since I was 8 or so and now almost 20 years later I still know a lot of the episodes like the back of my hand. I can close my eyes and see the Joes and Cobra trapped under the sea and forced to harvest seaweed by a madman, or when Cobra introduced the B.A.T.S. and the Joes had to get Sergeant Slaughter to toughen them up so they could beat them, it’s all there inside my mind. It’s something that is always with me, and something I thought I would never go back to for fear of it not living up what I thought it was. Until my sister bought me the G.I.Joe movie, I watched it begrudgingly and found that to me it was still great. I broke out my old Joe comics (I have most of the first 20 from the original series) and loved them even more. Now I haven’t gone back to the TV series only cause I couldn’t justify spending the money on it, until I decided to write this blog and warmed my heart string up for this show. So to all you Joe fans I say YO JOE!

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