Sunday, August 2, 2009

Touched By The Right Hand Of Doom

Can I say that I’ve always wanted to share? Nah, I can be selfish. I don’t think my friends would say that about me, but yeah, sometimes I don’t want anyone to touch or have any of my shit. I’m a JERK so sue me, but the one area I’m not selfish in is my comic books. Right now half my 52 issues are in the hands of a friend who has had them for hmm… I don’t know, since the series ended. I'm pretty sure I gave Chris some of my Kyle Rayner Green Lantern comic books to fill some holes he had, and I would let anyone borrow any trade or issues I have. So to pinpoint, as Chris and Paul want me to, which comic series I give people to borrow in order to get them into comics well huh… I don’t really know that many enlightened people. I give books to my dad who goes “Yeah, I’ll read this it, sounds really interesting” then he never reads it. Then there is my sister who I call SISter, that reads everything I give her, who is a closeted comic book nerd who will deny it to the ends of her days, but I still love her. (I was once a closeted comic book nerd.) But now in my openness I say to the world I AM NERD! HEAR ME TAKE PUFFS ON MY INHALIR! (I don’t have asthma) I take my comics to the break room at work. I sit in there reading, getting looks from the normals. I tell people about comics, who wonder why is he talking to me about Batman and this Jason Todd, I don’t care the Joker killed him? And I don’t care for I’ve excepted that I’m a nerd. So what’s the book in my collection that I’ve let everyone borrow… DRUM ROLL… Hellboy. I’ve let just about anyone who’s anyone in my life read my Hellboy trades. To me they are a solid fun series, Mike Mignola should be proud of the great series. There are a few books that I read over and over again and Hellboy is one of them. (Flaming Carrot being another) From little boy Hellboy screaming for pancakes to Anung Un Rama sanding down his horns- Hellboy is a book I can get behind.

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