Monday, August 17, 2009

The List - 8/19/09

Time again for another edition of The List, but some of the books on here might not stick around on the List for too much longer...

BATGIRL #1 - In the wake of "Batman R.I.P." and BATTLE FOR THE COWL, a new heroine has emerged in Gotham City, and as she begins her nocturnal crusade to take back the night, she will truly learn what it means to wear the mantle of the Bat. But who is this young woman, and why has she donned the cape and cowl? - I've always been a fan of the Batgirl character if not the Batgirl book, so with the debut of a "new" Batgirl I'm excited for this book. This probably won't be something that stays on the List for a while, as I'm mostly just sampling the new title and seeing how it fits into the new status quo set up in the Bat-universe.

BATMAN: STREETS OF GOTHAM #3 - Bruce Wayne is dead…long live Bruce Wayne! Gotham's favorite son has miraculously returned, promising to lead his city into a new golden age. But while Wayne devotes his limitless fortune to rebuilding Gotham City, he fights violent opposition from Batman, Robin and a host of DC Universe heroes!
And in the Manhunter co-feature, now that Manhunter has found the previous DA's killer – or, rather, the killer has found her – what is she going to do about it? Bringing the killer in for a trial may not result in the justice Kate's been dreaming of. But is she ready to kill for justice so soon after a fresh start in Gotham? - I've always been a Batman fan and right now I'm buying more Bat-books than ever, due to the Batman: Reborn push. I'm jsut wondering how long I can keep on it though. I'm still looking forward to these books but the excitement has started to wane. We'll see what falls off the List in the coming months.

BLACKEST NIGHT: SUPERMAN #1 -Black Lantern Superman has unearthed Pa Kent's grave! But that's only the beginning of the horrifying things he's about to unleash on an unsuspecting Smallville. Discover the demented evil of BLACKEST NIGHT in this 3-issue miniseries from writer James Robinson (SUPERMAN, STARMAN) and artist Eddy Barrows (TEEN TITANS, ACTION COMICS)! - The BN: Batman book last week was solid and I'm expecting the same from this weeks offering as well. While I've never been a big Superman fan I'm excited about this becuse well, just look at that cover. Everything about that screams "buy me" from the zombie Superman standing there to the grave of Jonathan Kent in that familiar chest-diamond shape.

OUTSIDERS #21 - "The Hunting" begins here! With Arkham Asylum's most dangerous inmates running free, The Outsiders are charged with returning them to Gotham City – by whatever means necessary. Batman and Alfred split up the team in order to track down Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze and Clayface before the rogues kill again! - Here we are again, I'm trying to make a decision about the Outsiders. It's hard because I've made this decision before: should I keep picking it up? or should I drop it? The last few months "Insiders" arc ran for what seemed like forever and kind of meandered about. It's hard when writers you love put out arc like that, because is it worth sticking around to see where it goes next?

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